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Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam – What you need to know?

What is Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam

Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam falls into the sextortion scam category. It’s a fake email that threatens to publicly release a video taken via the webcam of the recipient watching pornography. The contents of the email are completely false and there is no need to worry about any video and there’s certainly no need to pay the demanded $1,000 or whatever the scammer is demanding. Sextortion scams are usually more or less the same, even when they’re operated by different scammers. Fortunately, this also makes them very easy to identify.

The sender of the Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam claims that they were able to infect your computer with malware when you visited an adult website. This supposedly allowed them access to your computer, including your microphone and webcam. Supposedly, the hacker turned on the webcam and the microphone while you were watching pornography, and made a video, with you on one side and the video you were watching on the other. They threaten to release the video to all of your contacts if you do not agree to pay $1,000 in cryptocurrency to the provided wallet address.

The email itself is not very convincing but it may be effective on users who are more susceptible to pressure. The email is written using a mocking tone and continuously tries to shame the recipient. The degrading language is a tactic often used in these sextortion scams. And, unfortunately, some of these scams are effective because sextortion email scams have been around for several years now.

Here’s the full Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam text:

Your account was hacked! Renew the pswd right away!
You probably do not know me me and you may be certainly wanting to know for what reason you’re receiving this message, right?
I’m ahacker who burstyour emailand devices and gadgetsnot so long ago.
Do not attempt to msg me or alternatively try to find me, it is definitely hopeless, because I sent you a letter from YOUR hacked account.
I installed spyware on the adult vids (porno) website and suppose you enjoyed this site to enjoy it (you know what I mean).
During you have been watching content, your browser started out operating as a RDP (Remote Control) that have a keylogger that granted me authority to access your desktop and webcam.
Afterward, my programobtainedall information.
You have typed passcodes on the websites you visited, I caught all of them.
Surely, you could possibly change each of them, or perhaps already modified them.
But it really doesn’t matter, my malware renews it every time.
And what did I do?
I compiled a reserve copy of every your system. Of all files and personal contacts.
I got a dual-screen video recording. The 1st section demonstrates the video you were observing (you’ve got a good preferences, ahah…), the second screen demonstrates the movie from your camera.
What should you do?
Great, in my opinion, 1000 USD is basically a reasonable amount of money for this little riddle. You’ll do the deposit by bitcoins (in case you don’t understand this, go searching “how to purchase bitcoin” in any search engine).
My bitcoin wallet address:
You will have 48 hours to make the payment. (I built in an unique pixel to this message, and right now I understand that you’ve read through this email).
To tracethe reading of a messageand the actionsin it, I utilizea Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (Everything thatcan be usedfor the authorities should helpus.)

If I fail to get bitcoins, I will immediately offer your videofile to each of your contacts, including family members, colleagues, and so forth?

How do scammers obtain personal information?

Revealing users’ personal information, e.g. passwords, is an effective tactic that pressures users into making payments when they get a sextortion email. This, in addition to the threatening language used in the email, works to trick users that are not familiar with how these scams work. Because, in their mind, how else would the sender of the email have their personal information if not because they were successful in hacking their computers? In reality, passwords are obtained by scammers in the same way as email addresses. They are bought from hacker forums, where they end up after they’re leaked or if they’re part of some data breach. Personal information is leaked all the time, and if a service for which you signed up does not correctly secure your password, it could be leaked as well. You can check which service leaked your email address and/or password on haveibeenpwned.

If your password is revealed in a sextortion email, you need to change it right away. If it’s a password you use for multiple accounts, make sure that each account has a unique one. And keep in mind that passwords ideally should contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. If remembering or generating passwords is difficult, we recommend using a password manager.

Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam removal

Because this email is completely fake, you don’t need to pay any attention to it. If it lands in your inbox, just remove Your Account Was Hacked Email Scam. And if a sextortion scam reveals your password, you need to change it right away.


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