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Why NordVPN may be the best VPN in Iceland

We recommend NordVPN if you’re looking for the best VPN in Iceland. You will find everything you need in a VPN plus extra.



You will find many benefits to using a VPN, including privacy, anonymity, as well as unblocked geo-restricted streaming service content. If, for example, you’re an Iceland user but want to watch Iceland-restricted TV channels while outside the country, a VPN is the perfect tool for that.

While Iceland does not censor content, the way it handles users’ privacy is somewhat questionable. The Internet Service Providers are required to keep users’ data for up to half a year, and the country is a partner of the 5-eyes surveillance alliance.

To avoid any kind of potential surveillance, users are recommended to use a VPN that would encrypt their traffic. When traffic is encrypted, it becomes unreadable to all parties, including the Internet Service Provider.

VPNs are also very useful when it comes to geo-blocked streaming services and their content. VPNs allow you to spoof your location and appear somewhere entirely different. If, for example, you want to watch Iceland TV channels from outside the country, you will need an Iceland VPN server address, which you can get with a VPN that has VPN servers in Iceland.

How to choose the best VPN in Iceland

If you want to choose the best VPN in Iceland, you need to take several things into account. Here are five things that you need to consider.


The standard encryption used by VPNs to encrypt traffic is AES-256. It’s essentially indecipherable so your traffic will be protected from all parties who may have access to it.

We should mention that there are plenty of scam VPNs that claim to encrypt traffic but do not do it. This is usually the case with supposedly premium VPNs that are advertised as free.

Data logging policy

A VPN’s data handling practices are one of the most important things to check when choosing the best VPN in Iceland. You certainly do not want a VPN that will track what you do online and then sell that data to advertisers or other parties. How a VPN handles data is usually explained in the Privacy Policy, a document you should always at least skim through.

Your chosen VPN should not be logging any information related to your online activities. Only information that’s strictly necessary should be kept by the VPN vendor. VPNs’ privacy policies also need to be audited regularly by independent parties to prove to users that data is not collected.

VPN servers in Iceland

How big of a server network a VPN has is one of the most important things to consider. The more servers a VPN has, especially in popular locations, the less congested the servers will be. And if you specifically need an Iceland VPN address, you’ll want a VPN with a lot of VPN servers in Iceland.

VPNs with dedicated streaming/P2P servers may also be important to you if you’re planning on using the VPN for streaming or torrenting.

Additional features

Most decent VPNs will come with features like a kill switch and split tunneling. A kill switch stops your IP address from leaking if you get disconnected from the VPN for whatever reason. Split tunneling will allow you to decide which traffic should go through the encryption tunnel and which should reach the Internet normally. Some VPNs also have features like adblockers and protection against malware.


Because VPNs are quite expensive to not only develop but also maintain, all decent VPNs will cost money and require a subscription to use. If you encounter a VPN offering premium features at no cost, you’re likely dealing with a scam VPN that will sell your data.

Fortunately for users, most VPNs, especially popular ones, will always be available at discounted prices. It’s not uncommon to encounter up to 70% off of a subscription. So you could get a subscription for as cheap as $1.85/month.

NordVPN – our top choice for the best VPN in Iceland

NordVPN is at the top of our list for the best VPN in Iceland. It has everything you need in a VPN plus additional features.

To secure your traffic and conceal it from all parties who may have access to it, NordVPN uses a combination of AES-256 and ChaCha20 encryption. That’s considered to be military-grade encryption, which means your traffic will be safely concealed from all parties, including the Internet Service Provider.

NordVPN does not collect any information related to your online activities. It has a strict no-logs policy, which means it collects only what’s necessary to maintain your account. The policy has also been audited several times in an independent audit, which confirms that its contents are true.

One of the reasons why NordVPN is one of the best VPN services in Iceland is its server count and offered locations. NordVPN’s large server network includes almost 6,000 servers in 60 countries, with 60 of those servers being VPN servers in Iceland. Because there are many servers, users will be spread out more evenly, and servers will be less congested.

Internet speed is an important thing to consider when choosing the best VPN in Iceland. NordVPN offers several encryption protocols to choose from but we always recommend using the NordLynx protocol. This protocol is why NordVPN is such a fast VPN in Iceland.

NordVPN will also unblock streaming platforms and their geo-restricted content libraries if that’s how you want to use the VPN. That includes Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, Disney+, etc. If you want to unblock a specific country’s library, you just need to connect to that country’s server. For example, if you want to unblock Iceland Netflix, just connect to the VPN Iceland server.

Unfortunately, NordVPN does not offer a free Iceland VPN version. Even the 7-day free trial is only available to users who have Android devices. The lack of a trial that’s available on all OS is one of the few NordVPN drawbacks. However, the 30-day money-back guarantee can technically be counted as a free trial if a refund is requested in time.

You can get a NordVPN subscription for as cheap as $2.99/month if you take advantage of the available discounts.

Summary: Why NordPN is the best VPN for Iceland