2 Remove Virus

What is ypager.exe

What is Ypager.exe?

Ypager.exe is one of the components of Yahoo Messenger. If you know that you have it installed on your computer and use it every day, there is no need to eliminate it from your computer. In fact, if you delete Ypager.exe from a legitimate application, it might not be able to work normally. Of course, if you are sure you do not have Yahoo Messenger installed, but you have still located this file, you should inspect it carefully because it might be a part of a malicious application. In some cases, cyber criminals name files after legitimate software to make sure users do not discover malware installed on their computers. Of course, it does not mean that there are no ways to find out about malicious software installed on the system. Scanning it with an antimalware scanner is one of the ways to do that.


What does Ypager.exe do?

If Ypager.exe is a part of a legitimate application, it can be found in the C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\ directory. Have you found it in a completely different folder? If it is so, you should inspect Ypager.exe carefully and then erase it from the system immediately if it really turns out that it is a component of some kind of malicious application. Most probably, you will not erase that infection completely by implementing the Ypager.exe removal. Instead, it will be a start because malware usually drops several components on affected computers. The sooner they are all gone from the system, the better. Malicious software might cause a ton of problems, so its elimination must be your top priority. If you do nothing, you might experience privacy-related problems since computer infections often secretly collect information about victims. Additionally, you may find new malicious applications installed on your PC illegally. Last but not least, your computer might start working differently, for example, it might become extremely slow. Do not worry; this can be fixed – remove Ypager.exe and all other malware components from your system.

Why have I discovered Ypager.exe on my computer?

If Yahoo Messenger is installed on your PC, Ypager.exe must be one of its components, but if you do not use it, and you are sure it is not installed on your computer, it would be best to uninstall Ypager.exe ASAP because it might belong to a computer threat. Do not forget to erase other components associated with that malicious program from your PC too!

How can I remove Ypager.exe?

You will delete Ypager.exe by uninstalling Yahoo Messenger from your computer, but there is definitely no need to do that because there is nothing dangerous about it. Of course, the Ypager.exe removal must be implemented ASAP if it turns out that it is associated with a malicious application. You will not disable malware by erasing only one of many files it has. Since the removal of serious malware is usually quite complicated, we highly recommend that you use an anti-malware application to clean existing threats automatically. Hundreds of threats pretend to be legitimate software, so make sure you do not install malware on your PC instead of a reliable anti-malware tool.


More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.