What is Winsrv.exe?
The presence of the process Winsrv.exe or a file with the same name on your computer does not mean anything good. It is because Winsrv.exe is considered a malicious component. It seems that it belongs to the SdBot.bhk worm family and IRC Trojans. In other words, you have malicious software on your computer if you can locate it somewhere (usually, in Task Manager or some kind of random folder) on your computer.
The Winsrv.exe removal is a must and you must take action immediately after discovering this malicious component, but, unfortunately, it does not mean that you will disable this infection completely by implementing the Winsrv.exe removal. There is a huge possibility that malware it belongs to has other components somewhere on your system. If you do not remove them all, malicious software will have a chance to continue performing malicious activities on your computer.
How does Winsrv.exe work?
It is hard to tell what Winsrv.exe is responsible for, but there is no doubt that this malicious component helps malware to perform malicious activities. It should be emphasized that this item uses the name of the legitimate Windows service. All windows components are located in the %WINDIR% folder, so if you have found it there, you do not need to uninstall Winsrv.exe. In all other cases, you must remove Winsrv.exe as soon as possible. If you keep malware active, it might bring you a ton of problems in no time. For instance, you might notice that some of your programs are no longer working. In addition, you might start seeing various annoying advertisements on your screen. Third, various applications might be installed on your computer without permission. Fourth, your important files might be deleted out of the blue. Finally, you might experience redirections to suspicious websites. You do not want this to happen to you, right? So go to delete Winsrv.exe right away if you have found it outside the Windows folder.
Where does Winsrv.exe come from?
As mentioned, Winsrv.exe is the name of the legitimate service associated with the Windows OS; however, since users rarely check the Windows folder, the discovery of Winsrv.exe usually means that there is some kind of malicious application installed on the system. You could have installed it on your computer together with other programs, it could have entered your system after the installation of a malicious software bundle, or you could have simply initiated its installation by clicking on a random malicious link. In any of these cases, you need to delete Winsrv.exe as soon as possible.
How do I remove Winsrv.exe?
You should be able to remove Winsrv.exe without any problems (in some cases, you might need to kill the corresponding process in Task Manager first), but keep in mind that malicious software might still be active on your computer because nasty infections usually have more than one component and can continue working normally without one of them. Because of this, scanning the system with an anti-malware scanner is what we also recommend for you.
Download Removal Toolto scan for winsrv.exeUse our recommended removal tool to scan for winsrv.exe. Trial version of provides detection of computer threats like winsrv.exe and assists in its removal for FREE. You can delete detected registry entries, files and processes yourself or purchase a full version.
More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.
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