What is Winrmsrv.exe?
The legitimate Winrmsrv.exe file is a background process that can be seen in the Task Manager. Its belongs to Microsoft and its location on the computer is C:\Windows\system32\ folder. It has been reported, however, that a file under the same name is sometimes flagged by Firewall when it asks for permission to gather data. That may be because a Trojan horse is using the same name as the legitimate file, in which case it will not only steal your personal information, but also cause other issues like slowing down your device, making some apps unresponsive, and more. If you have reason to believe that the file is not trustworthy, you should delete Winrmsrv.exe without hesitation.
How does Winrmsrv.exe work?
It is important that you make sure that you are dealing with a malicious file, because if you delete the legitimate version of Winrmsrv.exe, it will negatively affect your system as the file is necessary for Windows to function properly. In order to check whether the file is actually signed by Microsoft you can follow these steps:
- Open Task Manager
- Right-click on the Winrmsrv process and select Properties
- Go to General tab and check the file’s location (it should be C:\Windows\System32)
- Move to Digital Signatures tab
- Click on Details and select View Certificate*
*If you are unable to view the certificate, it is highly likely that you have a malign version of the file.
Dealing with a malicious Winrmsrv.exe file (sometimes detected as Trojan:Win32/CoinMiner.C!rfn or Win64:Trojan-gen), you will also notice certain cryptomalware symptoms. Crypto-mining software is used by cyber criminals to generate Bitcoins, Monero, and other cryptocurrency at the expense of the target computer. The miner uses up the system’s resources (CPU or/and GPU power) to perform mathematical calculations thus slowing it down significantly and stopping it functioning properly. Moreover, if you have been prompted to allow the file to gather data, you should not agree to it. If, however, you already have, you should waste no time and eliminate Winrmsrv.exe from your system immediately.
How to remove Winrmsrv.exe?
Unfortunately, Winrmsrv.exe is a serious infection that can turn off Windows defenses or uninstall anti-malware from your computer. It can also drop other malware onto your device, so manual Winrmsrv.exe removal is out of question. You have to make sure that you not only delete Winrmsrv.exe, but also eliminate all other unsafe files and programs that are present. In order to complete Winrmsrv.exe removal, you will need to implement a powerful security tool. You are welcome to acquire one from our page. It will scan your device, detect all issues, and delete Winrmsrv.exe along with other infections. In addition to Winrmsrv.exe removal, it will also provide you with other beneficial features that will help you keep your PC safe in the future.