What is Utcsvc.exe?

Utcsvc.exe is a file/process that might be found on Windows computers. Originally, it belongs to the Windows OS and does not do anything bad; however, it seems that its name might be used by malware too, so do not be surprised when your antimalware scanner starts displaying warnings about this file. The harmless Windows file should be located next to other Windows files, so if you discover Utcsvc.exe in a random directory, we highly recommend that you inspect it first before letting it stay on your computer. utcsvcIt is especially true if you see warnings coming from your antimalware tool, or your computer has started working in an undesirable way, for example, various irritating commercial advertisements are displayed on your screen from time to time, some programs no longer work, or you cannot access many of your personal files. If it turns out that Utcsvc.exe belongs to malware, remove Utcsvc.exe mercilessly. Unfortunately, it does not mean that you will erase the entire malicious application from your computer by doing that. There are many harmful malicious applications that have many components, and malware using Utcsvc.exe might be one of them.

What does Utcsvc.exe do?

It is still unclear what kind of malicious application is associated with Utcsvc.exe, so it is unclear how it acts once it infiltrates users’ computers as well. Of course, it does not mean that users cannot find out about the entrance of malware. Malware experts say that malicious software using Utcsvc.exe might be able to download and execute malicious files on users’ computers. Second, it might be able to encrypt and delete files. Third, it might steal personal information. Fourth, it might disable certain programs so that users could no longer use them. Fifth, it might open backdoor. If it turns out that you really have malicious software on your computer, delete Utcsvc.exe right away. Do not forget that malware might have more components. If you leave them active, it could continue performing activities on your computer.

Why do I have malicious software installed on my computer?

Malicious applications arrive on users’ computers without their knowledge and then apply undesirable changes. It is very likely that malware using Utcsvc.exe has entered your computer illegally too. In most cases, undesirable programs are spread together with freeware or shareware so that users would not notice them. No matter how malware has entered your system, you must erase it today. As mentioned in previous paragraphs, it is very likely that the Utcsvc.exe removal will not disable malicious software.

How do I remove Utcsvc.exe?

You will delete Utcsvc.exe easily by selecting it and pressing Delete, but we do not think that this will be enough to disable malicious software. Malicious applications usually have more than one file. If not all of them are erased, they might revive at any time. The same might happen with the Utcsvc.exe malware. If you implement the Utcsvc.exe removal only but it has more files you do not erase, it might continue performing activities on your computer.


More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.

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