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What is DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER email scam

DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER email is part of a phishing campaign that tries to steal users’ payment card information. The phishing campaign emails are disguised to look like emails from the parcel delivery company DHL. The email is supposedly a notification informing you that you have a package but first need to pay an outstanding payment. This is classified as a phishing scam because if you follow the link in the email, you would be taken to a fake DHL website that requests your credit card information.


Parcel delivery services are one of the most commonly impersonated companies in these types of phishing scams. Most users know of these companies and order parcels often enough that the phishing emails may coincidentally arrive when they’re expecting something. While these phishing emails, including this DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER, are not particularly sophisticated, they will work on users who do not pay enough attention or are unaware of what a phishing email looks like.

Emails part of this DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER phishing campaign claim that you have an incoming parcel but need to pay a small sum of money for an undisclosed reason. Additional fees, particularly when ordering something from a foreign country, are not uncommon. Furthermore, the sum is small enough to not warrant suspicion or too much thought. It’s usually only $1-2 so you might not think twice about it if you’re actually expecting a package. However, making you pay that small sum of money is not the goal of this DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER phishing email.

If you engage with the email and click “Ship now”, you would be taken to a fake DHL website that asks for credit card details. If you enter this information, it’s transferred to the malicious actors operating this phishing campaign. The stolen information can then be used to make illegal purchases. In order to avoid being noticed, cybercriminals may make many small purchases so that they do not stand out when you check your bank account statements. The stolen information could also be sold on various hacker forums for other cybercriminals to use. In short, falling for DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER or similar phishing scams could have serious financial consequences.

The full email text is below:

Subject: Your package is waiting for delivery #zaxkahg8xrcxooznwzzks

Email preferences | Web-version

Deutsche Express


Tracking number: CPF O57 2OO 664 645

In reference to your parcel delivery with Deutsche Express, we find it imperative to bring to your attention a crucial matter. Our records indicate an outstanding payment associated with your shipment, and we respectfully request your immediate attention to expedite the delivery process.

Payment Information:

Outstanding Amount: 1.85 EUR
Payment Due Date: 29.07.2023

Ship now

How to recognize phishing emails?

Many phishing emails are not difficult to recognize if you know what to look for. Unless they target someone specific and have the target’s personal information, phishing emails are low-effort. But if malicious actors have access to personal information, they can make phishing emails seem much more credible, significantly increasing the chances of success.

Grammar and spelling mistakes often make malicious emails obvious. Whether the mistakes are done on purpose or not, they allow you to recognize when an email is malicious. You will never see mistakes in legitimate emails sent by companies like DHL, especially in automatic ones because that would look highly unprofessional. The DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER phishing email does not contain obvious mistakes but it does use quite unusual language, which makes the email seem suspicious as you wouldn’t see such expressions in legitimate emails.

The biggest giveaway of a phishing website is the URL. That’s also the most important thing to check before logging in or typing in any personal information. Malicious actors can make the phishing websites very convincing and mostly identical but they cannot make the URL the same. They often use various tricks to make the URL look more legitimate but as long as you pay attention, you will be able to notice the difference.

Lastly, before engaging with any email that asks you to click on a link, open an attachment, or do any other action, you need to check the sender’s email address. Oftentimes, malicious emails will be sent from nonsense email addresses. But even if an email address looks legitimate, it’s still recommended to research it and make sure it actually belongs to the sender. If you’re unsure, do not engage with the email or do any of the actions it asks of you.

It’s generally not recommended to click on links in any unknown emails. If, for example, you’re expecting a package and receive an email that asks you to pay some sum of money for whatever reason, you should manually access the shipping company’s website and put in your package number. You would be given all of the necessary information to make the payment if it’s necessary.

DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER scam email removal

If DHL SHIPMENT REMINDER or a similar email lands in your inbox, you can just remove it. As long as you do not engage with it, it’s not dangerous.

If you now realize that you have fallen for this phishing scam and revealed your credit card information, you need to contact your bank immediately to cancel your card. If any unauthorized transactions have been made, you may be able to get your money back.

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