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Turkmenistan VPN – which VPN works?

When it comes to the best VPN in Turkmenistan, not many actually work. Turkmenistan is very strict with what its population can and cannot access, and unfortunately, most VPNs fall into the latter category.



Turkmenistan is one of the most notorious countries in the world when it comes to Internet censorship. Internet in the country is heavily regulated, and only a small part of the population can access it. Those that can use the Internet are subjected to strict surveillance as well. In other words, users can only access what the government permits, and even then, their browsing is monitored.

Virtual Private Networks are one tool that can be used to bypass Internet restrictions and escape monitoring. However, VPNs are not legal in Turkmenistan, which makes using them quite difficult. The easiest way to get a VPN in Turkmenistan is to set it up before entering the country. Because VPN download sites are blocked in Turkmenistan, you need to do it outside the country. Alternatively, you can pay someone to set up a VPN for you, if you can find a trusted party.

If you’re planning a visit to the country, make sure you have the best VPN in Turkmenistan already set up. However, you should also keep in mind that whether specific VPNs work in Turkmenistan changes all the time.

What makes a VPN the best VPN in Turkmenistan?

There are many factors to take into account when choosing a VPN, even more so when you want to use a VPN in Turkmenistan.

Traffic encryption and security

Traffic encryption and security should be one of the most important things to consider when choosing a VPN, especially when looking for the best VPN in Turkmenistan. VPNs encrypt traffic by using complex encryption algorithms, and once it’s encrypted, the traffic is not readable to anyone, even to the Internet Service Provider. AES-256 encryption is the most common encryption algorithm used by VPNs.

The added benefit of using a VPN is public Wifi becoming safe to use. Generally, users are discouraged from using public WiFi to log in to personal accounts because it is unsafe. However, VPNs encrypt traffic, making public WiFi safe.

Server networks and obfuscated servers

When choosing a VPN, a server network is an important thing to consider. The more servers a VPN has, the less laggy they will be because users will be better distributed throughout them. Furthermore, such VPNs usually have more locations.

The best VPN for Turkmenistan will also have obfuscated servers. Obfuscated servers hide the fact that a VPN is being used. When connected to regular VPN servers, your Internet Service Provider will be able to see that you’re using a VPN even if it would not be able to see your traffic. This is not an issue when a VPN is used where such programs are legal. However, because Turkmenistan has made VPNs illegal, it’s necessary to hide their usage. Obfuscated servers do exactly that. When you connect to an obfuscated server, the VPN removes all traces of itself from your data, hiding the fact that you’re using it.

Strict no-logs policy

VPNs protect users’ privacy, which also means protecting users’ browsing from the VPN itself. VPNs should not track users’ browsing and keep logs because that goes against the whole purpose of a VPN. You can find out whether a VPN collects data in its Privacy Policy. If the VPN states that they keep logs, do not use it.

However, we should mention that even if a VPN claims to not collect data, it does not mean that it doesn’t. If you want the best VPN in Turkmenistan, choose one that has been audited by an independent party at least once. Only audits prove that certain data is not collected.

Extra features

You can find VPNs that have additional features like adblocking, protection against malware, password management, etc. If you use separate programs to get these features, it may be more convenient to just use a VPN that has them, especially if you pay for them.

Internet speed

It’s no secret that when you connect to a VPN, Internet speed is negatively affected. How slow your Internet will become depends on the VPN as well as the encryption protocol it uses. However, in most cases, the slowdown is not very noticeable unless users have very slow Internet to begin with.

NordVPN is one of the possible options for a Turkmenistan VPN

Very few VPNs work in Turkmenistan. NordVPN is one that may work. However, we should mention that this can change at any time.

NordVPN is a great VPN, in general. It has 5,800+ servers in 60+ countries and hundreds of locations. It has a great variety of locations in all parts of the world. There are also obfuscated servers that conceal VPN usage. NordVPN uses AES-256 and ChaCha20 for traffic encryption. This is military-grade encryption, practically indecipherable. A kill switch also protects the IP address from leaking in case users get disconnected from the VPN while online.

The VPN does not track what users do online, nor does it keep logs. Its claims of no data collection are also backed up by independent audits. The only information NordVPN keeps is what’s necessary for account maintenance.

NordVPN may be considered to be the best VPN in Turkmenistan because of its ability to retain great speeds. It’s largely due to its NordLynx encryption protocol. You can switch encryption protocols in settings if you want but we recommend sticking to NordLynx as it’s why NordVPN is such a fast VPN in Turkmenistan.

If you need additional features, NordVPN offers quite a lot. Depending on which subscription plan you choose, you can get the VPN together with an adblocker, password manager, protection against malware, and 1TB of cloud storage.

NordVPN does not have a free Turkmenistan VPN version so you will need to buy a subscription if you want to use its features. NordVPN always has discounts available so you will be able to get a subscription for as little as $2.99/month.

One option for a free Turkmenistan VPN is to use NordVPN’s 7-day free trial. An Android device is necessary to initiate the trial but once initiated, it can be used on all devices. There’s also the option to use the 30-day money-back guarantee as a free trial, provided you request your money back in time.