Category Archives: Trojan

Remove Trojan.Downloader.Dde.Gen

Trojan.Downloader.Dde.Gen is a recently identified malicious application. It is one of those harmful threats that cause a number of problems to user...

Remove Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl

Trojan:Win32/Spursint.F!cl seems to be a false positive, detected by Windows Defender as a Trojan. Multiple users report that they start getting ale...

JS:MINER-C Removal

JS:MINER-C is categorized as a Trojan infection, so if you ever find it on your computer, you should know that it is not a trustworthy program and g...

What is BitCoinMiner Trojan

BitCoinMiner Trojan is a name give to Trojans that use your computer to mine Bitcoin. They are not exactly dangerous computer infections in the sens...

Remove Miner Trojan Miner Trojan is a malicious application that might be installed on your computer without your knowledge. It is a cryptocurrency mine...

Trojan.JS.Miner.d Removal

Trojan.JS.Miner.d is a Trojan horse that infects users’ computers so that it could use their PC’s resources to mine the cryptocurrency for its d...