What is rthdcpl.exe
rthdcpl.exe is a component of Realtek High Definition Audio Drive. It is a legitimate process that will appear in your Task Manager. The process appears to use a noticeable amount of CPU at times, which would seem suspicious to users who are aware that unknown processes using a lot of CPU are a sign of a malware infection. However, if rthdcpl.exe that appears in the Task Manager belongs to Realtek High Definition Audio Drive, it’s legitimate. You can see more information about the process by right-clicking on the processes and selecting Properties. You will see where the file is located, its digital signature, etc. The legitimate rthdcpl.exe is located in the C:\Windows folder.
The legitimate file shouldn’t be causing problems, thus there should be no need to delete rthdcpl.exe.
rthdcpl.exe removal
The legitimate rthdcpl.exe will be located in the C:\Windows folder. If it’s located anywhere else, you could be dealing with malware that’s concealed to look like rthdcpl.exe. This is a common tactic used by malware operators in order to avoid users noticing malware. Disguising malware to look like a legitimate file only works when the computer does not have anti-malware software installed. Anti-virus would pick up on the disguise and delete rthdcpl.exe if it was malware. However, if the computer is not protected by anti-virus, it’s up to the user to notice that something is wrong. Users may notice rthdcpl.exe running in Task Manager and get suspicious, but a search with Google would show that it’s a legitimate file. Thus, the malware would avoid being noticed by users and would be allowed to stay installed for longer.
This illustrates how important it is to have anti-malware software installed on a computer. Noticing malware on a computer is possible without anti-malware software but not always. And some malware don’t exhibit the common malware symptoms, such as a suddenly slow computer, programs crashing, an increase in ads, random pop-ups and redirects when browsing, etc.
Download Removal Toolto scan for rthdcpl.exeUse our recommended removal tool to scan for rthdcpl.exe. Trial version of provides detection of computer threats like rthdcpl.exe and assists in its removal for FREE. You can delete detected registry entries, files and processes yourself or purchase a full version.
More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.
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