What is QAAdminAgent.exe?
QAAdminAgent.exe is a file you might discover on your computer. Originally, it belongs to Acer Utilities, so if you use an Acer computer and have discovered this file on your system, you do not need to go to remove QAAdminAgent.exe because, in this case, it belongs to a legitimate program. If the brand of your computer is completely different, but you still have found this file on your system, you should inspect it because it might belong to malicious software. Malware can borrow names of legitimate files to hide itself, so you should not leave this file untested if you have found it on your computer. We do not say that it necessarily belongs to some kind of malicious application, but you should still examine it. If it turns out that it is not a part of Acer Utilities, uninstall QAAdminAgent.exe right away. Unfortunately, this will not be enough to erase bad software you have active on your computer completely. You will need to erase its other files from your system too. Its files might be located in different places on your computer, so its full removal might be complicated, but, of course, you cannot leave untrustworthy software installed on your computer no matter what.
What does QAAdminAgent.exe do?
If you have found QAAdminAgent.exe on your computer because it belongs to a legitimate program, it helps this program to work properly; however, it acts completely differently if it is a part of some kind of malicious application that has entered your system without permission. In such a case, it helps malware to work. For example, it might help it to collect information about users, log their keystrokes, monitor their activities, steal passwords, logins, and banking credentials, and, finally, install new malware. We do not say that malware that has infiltrated your computer will perform all these activities on your computer, but it will surely not do any activities legitimate programs do. Therefore, you must disable it as soon as possible. Remove QAAdminAgent.exe first things first and then erase other components. If you still do not know whether the file you have found belongs to malware or not, there is one simple test you should perform. Check the location of the file – if it is located in %PROGRAMFILES%\Acer\Acer Quick Access, it means that it is harmless; however, if you have found it in a different place, you must have active malware on your computer and need to erase it.
How did malware enter my computer?
All malicious applications try to stay unnoticed, so it does not surprise us at all that you do not know anything about its installation on your computer. Of course, it does not really matter now because it is already too late to prevent it from entering your PC. You should now focus on the QAAdminAgent.exe removal instead.
How do I delete QAAdminAgent.exe?
You must delete QAAdminAgent.exe from your computer if it belongs to malicious software. Of course, there is no need to erase it if it belongs to legitimate software. Keep in mind that the QAAdminAgent.exe removal will not disable malware you have active on your computer – you will need to erase all its other files too.
Download Removal Toolto scan for QAAdminAgent.exeUse our recommended removal tool to scan for QAAdminAgent.exe. Trial version of provides detection of computer threats like QAAdminAgent.exe and assists in its removal for FREE. You can delete detected registry entries, files and processes yourself or purchase a full version.
More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.
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