2 Remove Virus

Remove Office Depot Email Virus

Office Depot Email Virus refers to a malicious email that aims to trick users into downloading malware. This malicious campaign uses the name of a legitimate retail company Office Depot, and users who fall for it would end up allowing a data-stealing trojan to infect their computers.



The Office Depot Email is disguised as a shipment confirmation email from Office Depot. It’s a classic example of malware-carrying email.

Office Depot is supposedly emailing you to confirm that they have received your order and payment. The email contains very little information about the purchase, only that a credit card was used to pay for it and that it’s progress.

Office DEPOT

Call Us: 800.GO.DEPOT (800-231-6320)

Cargo shipment Confirmation
Thank you again for working with us.

We thought you would like to know for sure that your Office Depot
order has received, and this completes your purchase order.

For your reference,below is summary of your order: –

Estimated delivery date: –


Order Made: – Status: In Process
Account ?:79856 Tracking: N/A
Payment Info: Credit Card Delivering to: All Information Is ATTACHED
Customer Name: All Information is ATTACHED Sending Method: Standart Shipping

All information is ATTACHED

A purchase confirmation email would alert many users if they did not purchase anything. This is a scare tactic used to pressure users to open the attached file, which supposedly contains information about the purchase. However, if the file is opened, users are prompted to enable editing. If permission is given, the malware Gozi is installed. It’s a highly malicious infection, classified as a data-stealing trojan.

The trojan can stay in the background without you noticing, all the while stealing your sensitive information, including passwords and other login credentials. There are some signs of the trojan being present (e.g. unknown processes appearing in Task Manager, programs crashing, the computer acting sluggish, etc.) but users don’t necessarily associate those signs with malware. This is why having anti-malware software installed is essential. An anti-malware program would immediately detect the malware when the malicious file is opened, thus preventing infection.

How to recognize malicious emails

Most users regularly encounter malicious/phishing emails because their email addresses have been leaked. Fortunately, most malicious emails targeting regular users are not difficult to recognize.

Malware is usually hidden in emails that are made to appear like they’re sent by legitimate companies. In this case, the email is disguised to look like it’s sent by Office Depot. But at closer inspection, the email is very obviously not real.

First of all, the email is supposed to be a cargo shipment confirmation but it does not have any personal information that you would usually find in such emails. Instead of displaying the buyer’s name and delivery address, it just says “All information is attached”. This is a big giveaway because both name and delivery address are always shown in delivery emails.

Another thing that makes this Office Depot email very obviously malicious is grammar mistakes. If you read the email carefully, you will notice that some words are missing and certain phrasing sounds awkward. This is supposed to be an automated email. You will not find such mistakes in automated emails from legitimate parcel delivery companies because it would look very unprofessional.

The sender’s email address is also something that often gives away a malicious email. If you don’t already do this, you should get in the habit of always checking the sender’s email address, especially if an email asks you to perform some action like clicking on a link or opening an attachment.

Finally, when dealing with unsolicited emails that have attachments, we recommend always scanning them with anti-malware software or VirusTotal. This will ensure that you don’t open any malicious files.

Office Depot Email Virus removal

If you did not interact with the email and did not open the attachment, you can just remove the email from your inbox. However, if you did open the attached file, you need to scan your computer with anti-malware software immediately. The attachment carries a very serious malware infection that can result in stolen data and hijacked accounts.

If your anti-malware program detects and removes Office Depot Email Virus from your computer, you should also change your passwords. Any accounts you accessed while the trojan was present are at risk of being hijacked.

Site Disclaimer

2-remove-virus.com is not sponsored, owned, affiliated, or linked to malware developers or distributors that are referenced in this article. The article does not promote or endorse any type of malware. We aim at providing useful information that will help computer users to detect and eliminate the unwanted malicious programs from their computers. This can be done manually by following the instructions presented in the article or automatically by implementing the suggested anti-malware tools.

The article is only meant to be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions given in the article, you agree to be contracted by the disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the artcile will present you with a solution that removes the malign threats completely. Malware changes constantly, which is why, in some cases, it may be difficult to clean the computer fully by using only the manual removal instructions.