2 Remove Virus

Lomx Ransomware – How to remove?

How to remove Lomx Ransomware and unlock .Lomx files

The ransomware known as Lomx Ransomware is classified as a severe infection, due to the possible harm it could do to your system. You might not necessarily have heard of or ran into it before, and to figure out what it does may be a particularly unpleasant experience. Ransomware uses powerful encryption algorithms to encrypt data, and once they are locked, your access to them will be prevented. File encrypting malicious software is categorized as a very harmful infection because decrypting data may be not possible.


You do have the option of paying pay crooks for a decryptor, but that’s not recommended. Giving into the requests won’t necessarily ensure that your files will be restored, so expect that you might just be wasting your money. Bear in mind that you are expecting that criminals will feel bound to help you recover files, when they could just take your money. Secondly, your money would also support their future malware projects. Ransomware is already costing a lot of money to businesses, do you really want to be supporting that. People are also becoming more and more attracted to the whole business because the amount of people who give into the demands make ransomware a highly profitable business. Buying backup with the demanded money would be better because if you are ever put in this kind of situation again, you may just unlock Lomx Ransomware data from backup and not worry about losing them. You can then recover files from backup after you delete Lomx Ransomware virus or related infections. You could also not be familiar with file encoding malicious software distribution methods, and we’ll explain the most frequent methods in the below paragraphs.

How is Lomx Ransomware spread

Ransomware commonly travels through methods such as email attachments, harmful downloads and exploit kits. Seeing as these methods are still used, that means that people are pretty careless when they use email and download files. More sophisticated ways might be used as well, although they aren’t as popular. Criminals write a pretty credible email, while using the name of a known company or organization, add the malware-ridden file to the email and send it off. Users are more prone to opening emails discussing money, thus those kinds of topics may frequently be encountered. It’s pretty often that you’ll see big company names like Amazon used, for example, if Amazon sent an email with a receipt for a purchase that the user didn’t make, he/she would not hesitate with opening the attachment. When you are dealing with emails, there are certain signs to look out for if you wish to secure your system. Firstly, if you’re not familiar with the sender, look into them before you open the attachment. You will still need to investigate the email address, even if the sender is familiar to you. Grammar errors are also pretty frequent. The greeting used might also be a clue, as real companies whose email is important enough to open would include your name, instead of greetings like Dear Customer/Member. ransomware may also use out-of-date programs on your device to enter. Those weak spots are normally found by security researchers, and when software developers become aware of them, they release fixes to fix them so that malicious parties can’t exploit them to distribute their malware. Nevertheless, not everyone is quick to update their software, as shown by the WannaCry ransomware attack. Because a lot of malicious software makes use of those weak spots it is critical that your programs are frequently updated. Patches can install automatically, if you do not wish to trouble yourself with them every time.

How does Lomx Ransomware act

Your data will be encoded by ransomware as soon as it gets into your device. If you have not noticed until now, when you’re unable to open files, you’ll see that something has occurred. You will realize that all encrypted files have unusual extensions added to them, and that helps users recognize what kind of ransomware it is. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to decrypt files if powerful encryption algorithms were used. If you’re still not sure what’s going on, everything will be made clear in the ransom notification. According to the crooks, you’ll be able to decrypt data via their decryptor, which will evidently not come for free. If the ransom amount is not clearly shown, you would have to use the provided email address to contact the crooks to find out the amount, which may depend on the value of your files. As you’ve likely guessed, paying isn’t the option we would recommend. Only consider giving into the demands when everything else fails. Try to recall whether you have ever made backup, your files might be stored somewhere. It could also be a possibility that you would be able to locate a free decryptor. Malware researchers are sometimes able to release decryption utilities for free, if the ransomware is crackable. Keep this in mind before paying the ransom even crosses your mind. Using that sum for backup might be more beneficial. And if backup is available, data restoring ought to be executed after you fix Lomx Ransomware virus, if it still inhabits your device. In the future, try to make sure you avoid ransomware as much as possible by becoming familiar with how it’s spread. Ensure you install up update whenever an update becomes available, you do not open random email attachments, and you only trust legitimate sources with your downloads.

Ways to delete Lomx Ransomware

So as to get rid of the data encrypting malicious program if it is still present on the system, an anti-malware software will be needed to have. If you’re not knowledgeable when it comes to computers, unintentional harm may be caused to your system when attempting to fix Lomx Ransomware by hand. Using an anti-malware program would be much less troublesome. It could also help stop these kinds of threats in the future, in addition to helping you get rid of this one. So research what fits your requirements, install it, perform a scan of the system and authorize the program to terminate the ransomware, if it is still present. Do not expect the malware removal program to help you in data restoring, because it will not be able to do that. If the file encoding malicious software is completely gone, restore files from backup, and if you do not have it, start using it.


More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.

Quick Menu

Step 1. Delete Lomx Ransomware using Safe Mode with Networking.

Remove Lomx Ransomware from Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP
  1. Click on Start and select Shutdown.
  2. Choose Restart and click OK.
  3. Start tapping F8 when your PC starts loading.
  4. Under Advanced Boot Options, choose Safe Mode with Networking.
  5. Open your browser and download the anti-malware utility.
  6. Use the utility to remove Lomx Ransomware
Remove Lomx Ransomware from Windows 8/Windows 10
  1. On the Windows login screen, press the Power button.
  2. Tap and hold Shift and select Restart.
  3. Go to Troubleshoot → Advanced options → Start Settings.
  4. Choose Enable Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking under Startup Settings.
  5. Click Restart.
  6. Open your web browser and download the malware remover.
  7. Use the software to delete Lomx Ransomware

Step 2. Restore Your Files using System Restore

Delete Lomx Ransomware from Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP
  1. Click Start and choose Shutdown.
  2. Select Restart and OK
  3. When your PC starts loading, press F8 repeatedly to open Advanced Boot Options
  4. Choose Command Prompt from the list.
  5. Type in cd restore and tap Enter.
  6. Type in rstrui.exe and press Enter.
  7. Click Next in the new window and select the restore point prior to the infection.
  8. Click Next again and click Yes to begin the system restore.
Delete Lomx Ransomware from Windows 8/Windows 10
  1. Click the Power button on the Windows login screen.
  2. Press and hold Shift and click Restart.
  3. Choose Troubleshoot and go to Advanced options.
  4. Select Command Prompt and click Restart.
  5. In Command Prompt, input cd restore and tap Enter.
  6. Type in rstrui.exe and tap Enter again.
  7. Click Next in the new System Restore window.
  8. Choose the restore point prior to the infection.
  9. Click Next and then click Yes to restore your system.

Site Disclaimer

2-remove-virus.com is not sponsored, owned, affiliated, or linked to malware developers or distributors that are referenced in this article. The article does not promote or endorse any type of malware. We aim at providing useful information that will help computer users to detect and eliminate the unwanted malicious programs from their computers. This can be done manually by following the instructions presented in the article or automatically by implementing the suggested anti-malware tools.

The article is only meant to be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions given in the article, you agree to be contracted by the disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the artcile will present you with a solution that removes the malign threats completely. Malware changes constantly, which is why, in some cases, it may be difficult to clean the computer fully by using only the manual removal instructions.