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How to delete Mr. Beast Giveaway POP-UP Scam

Mr Beast Giveaway POP-UP Scam refers to a giveaway scam that uses the name of a famous YouTube content creator Mr. Beast to scam users. The scam offers fake money prizes to unsuspecting users but aims to steal users’ personal information.



Mr. Beast is a popular YouTube content creator who makes videos in which he gives away large sums of money and expensive items. His name is also commonly used by scammers because of his fame as well as the type of content he produces. It goes without saying that Mr. Beast has nothing to do with these scams, his name is merely misused to scam users.

The way these scams work is users get redirected to sites that show an image of Mr. Beast and contain a message saying they have been selected to receive $1,000 as a reward for being a Mr.Beast follower. The site has several images of Mr. Beast and even comments from users who have supposedly received their prizes. The comments are completely fake and are just there to convince users that the giveaway is legitimate.

Users are instructed to click on “Claim Reward”, which redirects users to a site asking them to download some app/program. Once the app/program is installed, users are asked to provide their PayPal email address to supposedly receive the $1,000 prize.


To every Subscriber
who visit this page!

Thank you for following us.
$1,000 has now been reserved for you

Step 1: Click the “CLAIM REWARD” button below

Step 2: Download sponsor applications on the next page and follow the instructions on the page

Step 3: After you download all applications, enter PayPal E-Mail on next page and recieve money in few minutes!

Important: Only 6 quantities available


Monday, May 17, 2021

We will stop accepting new visitors in
1600 minutes!

Top Comments © YouTube


Mr Beast is an American YouTuber,
entrepreneur and philanthropist. He has been credited with pioneering a genre of YouTube videos on amazing stunts.

Total Views: Over 13+ billion
Total Subscribers: 60+ million

The point of these scams is to steal users’ personal and even financial information. At some point, users will be prompted to provide their personal information, including full name, phone number, home address, and email address. Some scams may also ask for payment card information.

Once this information is in the hands of scammers, they will either sell it on some hacker forum or use it themselves to further scam users. Thus, users who have provided their personal information to scammers need to be very careful with unsolicited phone calls, emails, and other form of contact from unknown people. Users who have provided their payment card information to such scams need to contact their banks immediately to cancel their cards.

It should be mentioned that “giveaways” like Mr. Beast Giveaway are never legitimate. While Mr.Beasts is known to give away large sums of money, he does so through legitimate means, often in person. Giveaways are never announced via random pop-ups you encounter when browsing.

Why were you redirected to a site showing a Mr Beast Giveaway POP-UP Scam?

In most cases, users are redirected to sites that host scams like Mr Beast Giveaway POP-UP Scam because they browse high-risk websites without an adblocker. Certain websites (e.g. sites with pornographic and/or pirated content) trigger random redirects no matter where you click. If you visit high-risk websites, you need to have an adblocker program installed. The adblocker will block not only regular ads but also prevent these random redirects.

If you get redirected more than once, especially when browsing safe sites, it’s possible that your computer is infected with adware. Adware is a pretty minor infection that usually installs via the free software bundling method. In other words, it came attached to a free program you installed as an extra offer. These offers are technically optional but they are preselected to install alongside the freeware automatically.

In order to prevent unwanted offers from installing, you need to use Advanced (Custom) settings instead of Default when installing programs. The installation window will recommend using Default settings but if you follow this advice, all added offers will be installed without you knowing. However, Advanced settings will not only show you what has been added but also give you the option to deselect what you do not want.

Mr Beast Giveaway POP-UP Scam removal

If you followed the instructions given by the pop-up scam and installed some program, you need to remove it right away. We strongly recommend scanning your computer with anti-malware software just in case.

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2-remove-virus.com is not sponsored, owned, affiliated, or linked to malware developers or distributors that are referenced in this article. The article does not promote or endorse any type of malware. We aim at providing useful information that will help computer users to detect and eliminate the unwanted malicious programs from their computers. This can be done manually by following the instructions presented in the article or automatically by implementing the suggested anti-malware tools.

The article is only meant to be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions given in the article, you agree to be contracted by the disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the artcile will present you with a solution that removes the malign threats completely. Malware changes constantly, which is why, in some cases, it may be difficult to clean the computer fully by using only the manual removal instructions.