2 Remove Virus

Home.sweetim.com – How to remove?

Home.sweetim.com Removal Instructions

Home.sweetim.com is a browser hijacker that comes as a part of the Sweetpacks Toolbar. The toolbar is often classified as a potentially unwanted application. It is supposed to allow you to add various smileys and emoticons to your instant messages and emails. It also provides you with quick access to various gaming, shopping and other pages.

During its installation the program changes your home page and default search provider to Home.sweetim.com. It also makes other alterations that computer users are usually not satisfied with. As it is not a reliable application, we suggest that you get rid of Sweetpacks Toolbar and thus eliminate Home.sweetim.com from your browsers.


How does Home.sweetim.com work?

Once Sweetpacks Toolbar gets installed it modifies your home page and default search provider switching them to Home.sweetim.com. This website does not look like it can be trusted. A new fake advert appears right below its search box every time you open the site. When you enter a query into the search box, you get results that include sponsored links. Moreover, you will see ads, pop-ups, banners and links on all pages that you visit regardless of their content. Do not click on these ads, because there is no way to be sure that they are legitimate. You could encounter fake ads that may lead you to malicious sites. Make sure you stay away from all advertisements until you get rid of Home.sweetim.com.

Another issue with the hijacker is its constant redirects. You will get redirected in the middle of your browsing to pages that are unfamiliar to you. You will also notice that since the hijacker’s arrival your Internet connection has considerably slowed down. The same can be stated about your system speed. If you want to get rid of these symptoms, you should delete Home.sweetim.com without hesitation.

How to remove Home.sweetim.com?

In order to delete Home.sweetim.com from your browsers, you will have to uninstall Sweetpacks Toolbar and then restore your browser settings. Instructions below are presented for your convenience in case you want to complete manual Home.sweetim.com removal. If, however, you would like to make sure that you not only erase Home.sweetim.com from your PC, but also stay protected from other online infections afterwards, you should download and implement the anti-malware tool presented on our website.

Home.sweetim.com Removal

Uninstall Sweetpacks Toolbar from Windows

Windows 8

Windows 7 and Vista/Windows XP

Remove Home.sweetim.com from browsers

Reset Internet Explorer

Reset Mozilla Firefox

Reset Google Chrome


More information about SpyWarrior and Uninstall Instructions. Please review SpyWarrior EULA and Privacy Policy. SpyWarrior scanner is free. If it detects a malware, purchase its full version to remove it.

Site Disclaimer

2-remove-virus.com is not sponsored, owned, affiliated, or linked to malware developers or distributors that are referenced in this article. The article does not promote or endorse any type of malware. We aim at providing useful information that will help computer users to detect and eliminate the unwanted malicious programs from their computers. This can be done manually by following the instructions presented in the article or automatically by implementing the suggested anti-malware tools.

The article is only meant to be used for educational purposes. If you follow the instructions given in the article, you agree to be contracted by the disclaimer. We do not guarantee that the artcile will present you with a solution that removes the malign threats completely. Malware changes constantly, which is why, in some cases, it may be difficult to clean the computer fully by using only the manual removal instructions.