How to stop ads is a very generic scam website. In addition to hosting scams, it also pushes a social engineering scam to trick users into allowing des... is a very generic scam website. In addition to hosting scams, it also pushes a social engineering scam to trick users into allowing des... is a dubious website that promotes a social engineering scam designed to trick people into enabling desktop notifications. You will s... is a pretty typical scam website that aims to deceive users into enabling desktop advertisements. When you first visit the website, you... is a very generic fraudulent website that abuses a legitimate browser feature to spam users' desktops with ads. When you're redi... is a generic deceptive website that, like thousands of others, misuses a legitimate browser feature to spam users' desktops with ads.... is a typical deceptive website that aims to trick users into enabling desktop ads. When you first visit the website, a browser aler...